It wasn`t an effort at all and I could do it while doing other things, as the washing machine did all the work:)
First in went this beautiful TSN. Beautiful in its` natural state, but I had been lusting after an Anthrazite Nino for a long time...except, the Anthrazite Nino is wool, and we can`t do wool. So the wild silk Nino was destined to change its` skin:)
With just the right amount of Jacquard acid dye this beauty was created and I love it! It is perfect for my grey stash and I don`t see it going anywhere anytime soon.
Then I mixed some procion mx dyes (Carribean Blue and Turquoise) to transform my Pertol Pfau. I know, I know, the birds should not be disturbed, and I also love the white thread in the Volkspfauen. But I couldn`t quite accept the fact that the petrol thread is actually a lot greener than acceptable for my preferences.
So, here it is, my Holiday Pfau:)
Next posts will show some finished orders hopefully very soon!