Saturday, 9 April 2011

Aquamarin (Carmin) Fische

I think I`ve tried to use both German and English for the title, so there you have, a pseudo-polyglotic mixture;)
But you all know what`s this all about. 50% linen CF stripped from its` original Strawberry and Cream colours, and then dyed Aquamarine (of some sort). In other words, a faux AF.
To be honest, I was aiming at a slightly different shade. But, because I was dyeing it in the middle of the night, having finished something else (and in a way, stealing this moment to finally do something with my sad, unloved pink wrap-ah yes, I bought one AGAIN, missing it after having sold my first one), I was quite knackered (add to it a sleep refusing 20 - months old toddler), so didn`t have power to keep it in the dye bath for long enough.
It came out aquamarine-ish blue, with green fishies, which I quite like! Looks like a nice summer wrap now, and this time, it will STAY, I promise:)
I have a plan to dip it again sometime when I have an opportunity, because the shade I want for it belongs to my top faves of all. So, one day the ACF will change the scales, but as for now, it`s looking like this:

Ok, that`s enough of musings, time to get back to the tub!:)

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