Sunday, 17 April 2011

GD: Pamir Jewels

I wanted to post this before going away for a few weeks, even though I`m knackered by finishing various tasks and organizing us for the journey (as we all know, men are useless in it, just playing they`ve got everything under control, and then suddenly starting to look frantically for their passports 2 minutes before closing the house door). So, that all and cleaning, and loundry, and some shopping and....but enough of that, shhh.
Now it`s time for the Emperor of All the Wraps.

I know and feel that all the wraps are special, not only to their owners, but to me also, when I`m dyeing them.
But I can`t help the fact that I`ve been living in awe since my very own Pamir entered my door. There`s something simply magical about this wrap, something that cannot be reasonably explained. It`s almost as I can feel the warmth of the hands that weave it, one thread by one, for hours and days...and now that I`ve decided the fate of my Pamir (of which I`ll be saying more when I`m back in May), I appreciate its` uniqueness even more.
That is why I hope Julie, who sent me her beautiful wrap to be dyed, will love it truly and forever!

To dye this wrap, I`ve used mostly Sapphire Blue, Emerald Green, Aquamarine and some Teal.

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